How can I improve my communication skills and personality?

How can I improve my communication skills and personality?

I was a big time introvert back in my school days. One could hardly feel my presence in the class. I don’t know whether I’ll tag it as being shy or low at confidence while speaking in front of the class. My english was being teased and corrected by many around me. To overcome this fear and to improve at speaking and communicating, I decided to be more socially active. I then took part in organising and hosting an event called PFA wherein I hosted the entire talent show with around 100–150 audience. Event takes place once every month. Initially, I had to prepare a script on a paper without that, I couldn’t speak well. But that was just for the first event. Later, it was a complete impromptu speech/ hosting, without any fear, or hesitation and more confident every single time when I’m was on the stage.

A good communication skill is when the listener or the audience understands the exact meaning that you’re trying to convey.

Never judge or rate yourself as to how good or bad you’re speaking. JUST SPEAK. It’s okay if you make mistake, if you hesitate.

Practice, practice & practice. Practice makes a man perfect.

Talk like everybody in the room loves you and that you’re the best of all.

Go slow. Do not try to speak fast.

Do not add your own fancy accent. Be you, be natural. Love your speech. Love your voice.

And most importantly, focus on what you want to convey. Be clear with your thoughts. Your thoughts must be presented the same way as you’re thinking.

I’m at a position where I can speak spontaneously in front of any number of people at any random time. I still make mistakes. But that’s how we get better, right? :)

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