Highest Paying Freelance Jobs

Top Websites That Can Help You Get Good-Paying Writing Jobs


The first and the best website to find well paying writing jobs is ProBlogger. As the name suggests, this website is ideal for those who are interested in blogging and copywriting. ProBlogger helps with finding prospects.

It helps users by providing resources to improve their writing skills and bag better writing gigs. It is considered the best place to find freelancers. A majority of top bloggers advertise on ProBlogger to find ideal candidates for their writing requirements.

All you need to do is to sign up on the website and start applying. Always remember to choose advertisers and jobs that best suit your bandwidth.

Upcoming Batches of Content Writing Course

Blog posts


Website Content writing

Editing and proofreading and


Apart from posting freelance writing jobs, ProBlogger also invites job applications for:


Content marketers,


SEO Consultants and

Social media managers


Advertisers’ pay is based on the complexity involved in a job. So, it differs from one job to another. However, ProBlogger tries its best to convince advertisers to start with a minimum of $80. So, If you planning to start earning from ProBlogger, make sure you have your rates for different writing services you offer are set beforehand.

These rates should be based on the time and effort invested to complete a project. Be as transparent as possible on your rates and the job you are supposed to complete. Try to maintain long-lasting relationships with your advertiser.


Second, on the list of websites to find well paying writing jobs is “Upwork”. It’s uncommon to find a writer who is unaware of Upwork. It is a one-stop solution to find all kinds of writing jobs. Further, It is regarded as an ideal place to begin as a writer.

You can easily sign-up for free, develop a portfolio, apply and earn money on Upwork. Advertisers believe that Upwork is affordable and a great place to find, hire and work with world-class professionals.

Writing Jobs –

Upwork offers freelance projects relevant to:


Social media marketing

Content writing

Freelance writing, etc.

Pay –

Advertisers on Upwork post jobs and invite proposals. The compensation varies from person to person and project to project. So one needs to submit proposals with defined rates. Make sure to apply for jobs that you believe are an ideal fit.

Based on the writers’ account type, Upwork charge varies. For instance, it charges 20% on the accounts of writers that have their first $500 billed. It charges 5% for lifetime billing for accounts after $10,000.


Similar to the first website, Blogging Pro focuses on blogging jobs. It categories job posts into different categories such as :

Writing Jobs –




Part-time or temporary.

Pay –

Writers can sign-up for free and browse jobs according to the categories. Applying for a job on BloggingPro involves sending an application with a resume and work portfolio.

If you are planning to have a long association with BloggingPro, Work on creating your website and Capture your clients’ recommendations on it.

Writing Jobs –

One can find jobs relevant to :


Freelance writing

Content writing,

Creative writing,



Content strategy.


Pay –

BloggingPro tries to influence advertisers to offer a minimum of $15 per hour or $15 per 500 words. However, it varies as the power lies in the hands of advertisers.


Fourth on the list of websites for finding well paying writing jobs is “IWriter”. Unlike other websites, you can start writing articles directly. However, there’s a criterion to start writing articles on IWriter. Firstly, you need to sign-up ( which is not easy because of the huge competition) and take a short writing test. Once you pass the test, then there’s no stopping.

IWriter categorizes writers into standard, premium, elite, and elite plus types. Your earnings depend on the type you are in. Based on the positive reviews from the advertisers, your level increases. 

Writing Jobs –

Articles writer

Blog post writer

Ebooks writer

Article rewriter

Product description writer

Pay –

Pay also depends on the type of level you are in. It varies significantly based on the length of the articles. Usually, writers get 65% of the price from the total price of the article. IWriter has PayPal only policy. Get a valid PayPal account. In case you didn’t, go ahead and create one.

Make sure to deliver your best to gain advertisers’ trust. If advertisers feel comfortable with you, they send special requests and you can earn about 70% of the article cost from these requests.


Fifth on the list of websites for finding well paying writing jobs is “Freelance Writing Jobs”. This website collects writing jobs from multiple sources such as classifieds, companies’ websites, job portals, etc, and lists them on their website. 

Writing Jobs –

Remote writing

Short story writing

Freelance copywriting


Content writing


Editing and proofreading

Paid internships

Pay –

Unfortunately, this website does not help you with advertisers’ compensation rates. You may need to negotiate with the advertisers before or after the hiring process.


Sixth on the list of websites for finding well paying writing jobs is “FlexJobs”. This website is targeted toward people who want flexibility in their work. It assures flexible work opportunities and promises to post scam-free job listings. You will find work-from-home, part-time, and freelance job opportunities on FlexJobs.

Writing Jobs –



Technical writing

You can also find jobs relevant to:


Content manager

Managing editor



News writer

Pay –

Pay rates vary from one another based on the type of work, expertise, and word count.


This website is run by the most famous blogger Carol Tice. With more than 1400 members using the freelance writers’ den, it is a notable website for freelance writers. If you are serious about your writing career, this website provides you with ample opportunities to earn more money.

Writing Jobs –

Freelance writing

Creative writing

Health writing


Technical writing

Content marketing

Pay –

Unfortunately, this website does not help you with the advertisers’ pay rates. Ideally, advertisers may offer compensation on an hourly basis or monthly basis, or even project basis. The good news is that it does not accept jobs that pay less than $100 per article or $ 50 per blog.

8. Freelancer

Eight and the paramount website to find well paying writing jobs is “Freelancer”. It is regarded as the world’s largest crowdsourcing and freelancing marketplace. It offers jobs pertaining to different industries. You can easily find jobs relevant to your niche, find the best match, and earn more money.

Writing Jobs –

Freelance writing



Technical writing

Newsletter writing

Content strategy

Grant writing

Resume writing

Pay –

You will have to submit proposals with your best bid for the job listings. Always remember to apply for the jobs that you feel are an ideal match.


Apart from real estate listings, Craigslist offers a plethora of freelance writing opportunities as well. You can find freelance writing jobs under the “ Writing / Editing” category on craigslist.

Writing Jobs –




Magazine work


Guest post writing


Column writing

Freelance writing

Technical writing

Creative writing

Pay –

Rates vary from project to project and advertiser to advertiser.


Constant content is one of the renowned ready-made content marketplaces.  You can find job postings from big names like uber, eBay, etc. You can also get feedback on your writing from expert editors and proofreaders. Further, get featured and sell your work.

Writing Jobs –

Freelance writing 

Custom content writing service

Press releases

Pay –

This is a platform to earn thousands of dollars. Some are already doing it. So set your price, and work your best.


Eleventh on the list of websites for finding well paying writing jobs is “WritersWork”. This website focuses on connecting writers with companies. It’s a great place for writers because it helps you with training, career guidance, portfolio creation, portfolio evaluation, etc. Further, you can also find a curated list of job postings on the website.

Writing Jobs –

General content



Social media posts

Pay –

You can easily earn between $20 – $65 / hour. However, it may vary depending upon your skill and your commitment to accepted projects.


Thousands of writers, editors, proofreaders, translators, and advertisers trust Writer Access. It’s a go-to marketplace for agencies and companies to find professional and expert freelancers.

You can find projects relevant to health care, security, law, etc. You need a niche, specialization (eg: content writing), decent SEO skills, and a sample write-up to start writing on Writer Access.

Writing Jobs –




Product descriptions



Press releases

Content strategy

Website copy

Pay –

Pay on Writer Access depends on ratings and rankings. Ratings are based on your experience, skills, and proficiency. This is vital to set your per-word price. Ideally, writers receive 70% of the order price.

If you are at a basic level and are just starting, you can expect close to 0.28 cents per word. As you progress to advanced levels, you can charge $1.40 per word or around $105 per hour.


You can find writing gigs related to bulk social media posts, articles, etc on Scripted. This is a great marketplace for ghostwriters.  Advertisers who need fresh content are always on the search for ghostwriters on this website.

Writing Jobs –

Freelance writing


Digital Marketing

Consumer reports

Social media posts


Pay –

Topics, article length, and the type of content decide your price on Scripted. Ideally, you could expect $ 20 per write-up. There are instances where writers earned a four-digit figure in a month. You can expect your payout in five days starting from the date of accepting the work.



Fourteenth on the list of top websites for finding well paying writing jobs is “Mediabistro”. This is a renowned marketplace for media-savvy professionals. Further, it is a great place to get in touch with media professionals. You may find this site ideal for improving your writing skills as well.

Writing Jobs –

Freelance writing

Graphic design



Digital Production

Pay –

Compensation may vary based on the type of writing job. However, here is a quick glimpse of the pay rates offered:


Freelance research analyst – $15 -18 / hour

Copywriters – $100+ / post

Researchers for magazine database – $100+ / post

Freelance Fiction Writer – $50 / 1,500 words


Since 2006, All Freelance Writing has been helping freelance writers build incredible careers. If you are a beginner writer, this is the right place to start. This website helps you with resources to enhance your skills and explore the commercial side of freelancing.

Writing Jobs –


Guest posts

Blog writing

Web content



Business writing

Healthcare or medical writing

Magazine writing


Pay –

The website displays pay rates upfront. You can find categorized pay rates as follows: (Eg: – 400-word blog post)

Very low: $1–35

Low: $25–$50

Semi-pro: $50–$100

Pro: $250–$500+


This is a great place for US writers to find freelance writing jobs. Almost any writer say from beginner to professional can find relevant job postings on this site. Most of the clients on this website lookout for writers with SEO skills and an expert in increasing website traffic.

Writing Jobs –

SEO content writers



Pay –

You can expect anywhere between $10 to $50 for writing articles. Compensation depends upon the niche and the area of expertise (Eg: content writing, blog writing, etc.).


Writerbay.com is always on the lookout for writers who can deliver first-rate articles. You need to sign up, fill out the application, and take the test. Once you pass the test, you need to draft and upload a sample based on the prompt. You also need to upload your academic certificates on their site.

Writing Jobs –

Freelance writing jobs, both academic and non-academic

Pay –

The rates are based on the projects you take. The website lists top writers’ profits on their website every month. This can help new writers have a basic understanding of Writrbay’s pay structure.

18. American Writers And Artists, Inc (AWAI)

If you are a serious copywriter, you are in the right spot. Copywriters earn thousands of dollars on AWAI. It offers best-in-class training on content marketing and direct response.AWAI helps you build your portfolio and help you find the best-paying clients.

Writing Jobs –


Direct response writing

Press releases


Banner ads and text ads


Pay –

AWAI created a guide to help writers have an idea about what they can expect from their projects.


This website features listicles. Knowledge of pop culture, a sense of humor, and excellent English skills are needed to successfully win projects on Listverse.

Writing Jobs –


Pay –

Listverse pays $100 for an approved listicle.

20. Medium

Medium collects membership fees from its premium readers. It saves a part of the membership fee to pay writers who are a part of the partner program. The pay is based on members’ ratings. You can write on any topic on medium. All you need are readers who are interested in reading them.

Writing Jobs –

Self-help advice


Entrepreneurship advice

Pay –

Earnings depend upon the number of people reading your articles. However, 55% of writers who wrote one story on a medium earned something. 8% of writers earn more than $100 a month. There are instances where writers earned close to $14000 a month.

21. LinkedIn

This is a great platform for finding writing jobs. Companies post high-quality vacancies from copywriting to content writing on their dedicated pages.

Pay –

Varies from company to company.

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