How to Get Traffic to Your Blog

How can I get more traffic on a blog?

There are several strategies that can help you to garner more real traffic to your blog. The ones that I find to be the most effective are:

  • SEO. You need to understand how search engines work and incorporate that knowledge into your blogs. You need to make sure that you include all the keywords you want to be ranked for, and do so wisely. That means targeting more low-competition keywords and focusing on long-tail keywords.
  • Optimising your content for voice search. We’re shifting into the world where people are soon to stop typing at all. The more advanced voice input becomes, the less we use actual typing. You need to account for this tendency and target the phrases that associate with voice search.
  • Make sure to post relevant and high-value content. It’s not just about the keywords. If you produce a flawless in terms of SEO article, but it’s literally no different to the competitors’ entries, merely because it’s a piece of recycled text, you aren’t going to boost traffic. Instead, you should focus on producing the content that keeps on giving, such as checklists, guides and case studies that can be referenced in the future.
  • Make sure you have guest posting enabled. You can easily promote your blog if you give other people a chance to become your contributors.
  • Submit guest posts yourself. Garner organic traffic by cooperating with other blogs.

How can I maintain my blog to get real traffic?

To get traffic to a blog is actually easy. You can just go to a forum and drop a link to your blog and talk about the link for a little bit and you will get some clicks. Multiply this by dozens of forums and you would get a nice flow of traffic to your blog. The same goes with Facebook groups.

But here's the problem. When people talk about blog traffic, they usually talk about quantity. Let me tell you an uncomfortable truth about traffic quantity. It doesn't matter what your traffic volume is.

Even if I were to get 1 million clicks to my link, my blog can still make zero dollars. That's right. Zero as in zilch, goose egg, nada. Why? It's the wrong kind of traffic. You have to understand that when it comes to blogging, most of the time your income turns on the quality of your traffic.

In other words, quality over quantity. Sadly, too many bloggers out there are in a mad rush for traffic. They think that any hit will do. Wrong. Dead wrong.

You have to attract the right traffic. And guess what? When you build a custom audience because you have high quality materials, they will pull in other targeted readers. In other words, they become your evangelists.

And it all boils down to quality content and highly targeted distribution channels. What do I mean by highly targeted distribution channels? For example, if I'm blogging about coffee mugs, I'm not going to go to a chihuahua dog owner's Facebook groups. I'm just gonna be wasting my time dropping a link to my blog post there. In fact, I might even get banned.

Instead, I would go to Facebook groups, forums, Facebook page comments, blogs and other places that talk about the coffee lifestyle, grinding coffee, enjoying coffee. That's where my blog about coffee mugs would make the most sense.

Since my content is in front of the right eyeballs, then the clicks that I would get would be better targeted and guess what? I stand a higher chance of making money off that traffic than if I was just to blast my link to billions of people all over the world.

The question here is not “How can I get more traffic on my blog?” The real question you should be asking is “How do I get the right traffic to my blog?” Do you see the difference? The right topic focuses less on volume or “more”. Instead, it focuses on quality.
Read More about Technical Skills and get Traffic on your Blog

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